How to automate golf club memberships

We’ve learned a lot of new skills recently during lockdown. We started playing more golf, tennis, cycling and cooking. At nooQ we also wrote a lot more code too. During lockdown a massive portion of our business disappeared, but we started working on applying our talents to solve other problems. Being golf & tennis fan who knew far too much about all things web & payments. We noticed golf & tennis clubs were booming in popularity but 90%+ clubs have web sites with no facility to apply for membership online. You can apply using a form, fill in a PDF or Word document. Then go thru a few email exchanges to be sent a bank account to make a payment to, or direct debit form to sign and email. Really, really painful for the member trying to join and really painful administering all the forms, payments, changes, missed payments, prices, checking who has correct membership and welcoming them to the club. Golf Club subscriptions and Tennis Club subscriptions are extremely inefficiently handled. 

Being a volunteer membership secretary for four years, I managed to develop a membership system to automate new memberships, existing memberships and renewals. Previously the club had 380 members with 150-200 memberships which were manually administered using a combination of standing orders, bank transfers, cash and cheque. I managed to automate memberships so that we had 470 members with 462 of them electronically managed, automatic bank payments, reconciliation and a monthly email report with 8 members who paid by standing order and bank transfer.

After showing this to the nooQ team, we have extended this into a new product nooQ Golf.

nooQ Golf provides automatic golf member subscriptions with the added benefits of automatic payment reconciliation, automatic updates to Club v1 finance, membership and handicapping system.

We have improved the product, so we can process any combination of membership product, any date of birth rules or range, any number of products, prices and even post-code validation for distance memberships.

We have used our payments, web and expertise so that we can deploy this on existing web-sites in under one day.

Membership renewals and subscriptions for existing members, all processed automatically and paid into the bank next day. All done with one click.

Check out new product, nooQ Golf for automating golf membership subscriptions at