Our findings after customer research & feedback What’s next for nooQ? In case you missed the earlier parts, they are here Part 1 Surprising Results From Survey into Enterprise Social  Part


Social Media Usage (Nov 2015) Part 3 of 4 Blog Series (If you have read Parts 1 & Part 2, skip to next section) At nooQ we have created a

Social Platforms for Business – will it catch on? It’s obvious

Will social platforms for business work? Social platforms for business, also known as social collaboration, social business (#socbiz), open business, enterprise social, or their technical name Web 2.0 platforms are

Avoid these mistakes for collaboration success

Communication within a company used to be simple: You walked down the hallway to talk to a co-worker, picked up the phone or banged out an email. But those methods

Social Business ROI

Social business Companies need to rethink return on investment to evaluate the benefits of social business. How do you quantify return on investment (ROI) of a social business?
