Guest Blog: Tackling Law’s Collaboration Challenge

Sam Moore, Legal Technologist at Burnell Paul LLP Our friend Sam Moore recently sat down with Grame to discuss the collaboration culture and the issues faced by the legal industry.


Slack vs Yammer vs the up and coming nooQ Part 1 of 4 At nooQ we have created a product to revolutionize team communication for the workplace. Yammer started with


Intranetizen Vendor Profile   Intranetizen is an online community who aims to share, learn and transform the digital workplace. It was started out of lack of information and only hearing the


Upcoming Social Enterprise Event Social Now is the social enterprise collaboration event where software vendors have the chance to demonstrate their products in front of a live audience, without a sales

Company naming strategy – Where our company name nooQ comes from

Company Naming Strategy How to name your company is extremely difficult. Here’s the company naming strategy and process we used and the story how we came up with nooQ.

Poor Communication Costs

Poor communication costs Businesses waste millions of dollars every single day. Most executives and managers understand this, yet they don’t realize how big a part they play in this miscommunication.

Social Platforms for Business – will it catch on? It’s obvious

Will social platforms for business work? Social platforms for business, also known as social collaboration, social business (#socbiz), open business, enterprise social, or their technical name Web 2.0 platforms are

The Coming Shift in Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management is shifting There is little new to Knowledge Management, right? I mean, we have been doing it for more than 50 years, since Peter Drucker “invented” the term

Avoid these mistakes for collaboration success

Communication within a company used to be simple: You walked down the hallway to talk to a co-worker, picked up the phone or banged out an email. But those methods

Social Business ROI

Social business Companies need to rethink return on investment to evaluate the benefits of social business. How do you quantify return on investment (ROI) of a social business?
